AEHS Heritage Project Completed

June 16, 2015

The AEHS Heritage Project consists of a number of deliverables listed below. All items, printed or electronic, are available onsite or online.

• Alberta’s Estonians. 30-minute documentary DVD. 2007. Copyright Alberta Estonian Heritage Society.

• Freedom, Land, & Legacy: Alberta’s Estonians 1899-2009. A 298 page illustrated book about Alberta’s Estonians. Compiled by Dave Kiil and Eda McClung, 2010. Copyright Alberta Estonian Heritage Society.

• AEHS website:, then click on Heritage under Menu Option and on the images, i.e. “Alberta’s Estonian Heritage.” Each image contains organised and searchable historical material about Alberta’s Estonian heritage.

• Estonian Archival Collection is stored and available at the Provincial Archives of Alberta (PAA) in Edmonton.

• PAA website: In ‘Search the Archives’, type in AEHS to open the Estonian Collection. There are 213 results, each with a title and brief description of file’s content.

• Alberta’s Estonian Travelling Exhibit. The display is comprised of six lightweight 3’ by 4’ panels telling the story of Alberta’s Estonian community from 1899 – present. The panels are stored at the Provincial Archives of Alberta in Edmonton and available for display at archives, museums and special heritage events.

• AjaKaja has been published since 1989 and is distributed to AEHS members and others. It contains information, including family histories, about Estonian pioneers and immigrants who settled in Alberta since 1899. All published issues have also been archived digitally and will be available to AEHS members (1989-2004) and globally (2005-2014) on new AEHS website under development.