Baltic Heritage Network Information Day for the Keepers in Estonia of the Cultural Heritage of Estonians Abroad

April 9, 2008

On 15 April, the Baltic Heritage Network is organizing an information day, for the keepers in Estonia of the cultural heritage of Estonians Abroad, to be held at the Exhibition House of the Estonian National Museum (J. Kuperjanovi 9, Tartu).

On 11 January 2008 the Baltic Heritage Network, a non-profit association, was established, with the aim to develop cooperation between the state and private institutions (archives, museums, libraries, research institutions), and the associations and organizations that collect and study the cultural treasures of the Baltic diaspora, thereby ensuring the preservation, research and availability to the public, of the historically valuable cultural treasures of the Baltic diaspora. The organization has grown out of the activities and contacts of the Archives of Estonians Abroad work group that was formed in 2005, and the contacts made during the international conference for Baltic archives abroad in Tartu in 2006. In January 2008, the founding meeting for the MTÜ BaltHerNet was held, as well as a seminar with the participation of Latvian and Lithuanian partners.

During the information day, the action plans of MTÜ BaltHerNet will be introduced to the representatives of Estonian memory institutions. The multi-language Baltic Heritage Network information portal will be presented, which collects information on the instances of the cultural heritage of the Baltic diaspora, and the relevant activities. The activities of the Estonian art in exile work group, and the future of the Compatriot Programme, will be discussed. The aim of the meeting is to extend the cooperation network of MTÜ BaltHerNet with new active members.

The event is being supported by the Compatriot Programme.

Working language: Estonian.


10.00-10.30 Registration. Coffee

– Aho Rebas, status of the formation of the New Compatriot Programme and its development
– Piret Noorhani, Archives of Estonians Abroad working group and NPA BaltHerNet
– Tiiu Talvistu and Kersti Koll, Introducing the “Art of Estonians Abroad“ project

12.00-13.00 Lunch

– Piret Noorhani, Birgit Kibal, Anne Valmas, Karin Kiisk, Introducing the Baltic Heritage Network information portal

14.30-15.00 Coffee break

15.00-16.00 Discussion:  Cooperation opportunities in the development of the portal

tel. +372 735 0423